Saturday, September 8, 2007

Orioles News - 9/7/07 - Shutout by Boston

The Baltimore Orioles were shut out last night in a 4-0 loss to the BoSox. This loss, their 11th straight home loss, tied the team record for most losses in a row at home. We managed only 4 hits off of starter Jon Lester and a pair of relievers. Most of the action from the Orioles came in the 4th inning, but for all the wrong reasons. Daniel Cabrera balked with a runner on 3rd base, and the run was allowed to come home and score. Cabrera's next pitch ran up and nearly hit Dustin Pedroia's head. The umpire quickly ran out to warn both sides but in the Red Sox dugout, several players were yelling at Cabrera. Cabrera yelled back, and the benches emptied. The relievers from the bullpen came running in just so they could get in some of the action. No one threw any punches, and order was eventually restored. The umpire's discussed what to do for several minutes, eventually ejecting Cabrera. Dave Trembly, our manager, went nuts over this call, arguing with the umps, but he still couldn't save Cabrera from an ejection. The worst part of all this was when the bullpen came running in to join the fighting. Come on, show some class. That right there is what's wrong with baseball. - John T.

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