Thursday, October 11, 2007

Orioles News - 10/10/07 - Looking At The Miguel Tejada Situation

Now that the Baltimore Orioles season is over, some of the many questions on every one's mind are these: Should Miguel Tejada leave or at least move to 3rd base? Should Daniel Cabrera leave or at least head to the bullpen? Today I will answer the first question, Should Miguel Tejada leave or at least move to 3rd base? The other question will be answered in the coming day.

Should Miguel Tejada Leave Baltimore Or At Least Move To 3rd Base?

This is certainly a big issue for the Baltimore Orioles this off season. Tejada has said he doesn't want to play 3rd base and that he would rather be traded to a team that would let him continue playing Shortstop. He has also complained about playing for Baltimore in the past few years because he doesn't think Baltimore is a winner. He's right on that part. The O's aren't a winning team. But does he have a point? Should we trade him to a team that would play him at Shortstop? But who will play him at shortstop? His defense is declining as he made 15 errors last year. Yes, 15. And he believes a team would want him playing Shortstop? My take: Miggi, you have helped this team in past years but unless you change your mind and decide that you wouldn't mind playing 3rd base or designated hitter, then thanks for the memories. Your not the player you were a few years ago, and it's obvious that your play is declining. Unless you change your mind, your likely to find out that not a whole lot of teams want you at Shortstop. Your going to have to find this out the hard way. You need to face the facts: your defense is declining and so is your hitting. There is not a huge market for players like you. Sure, some desperate team might make a deal with the Orioles for you but we all know that you can't get the job done. Admit you can't do it anymore and take whats left of your dignity and go to 3rd base. Otherwise, thanks for the memories. - John T.

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